Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Crazy numbers: largest drop in hemoglobin without a transfusion

A drop in hemoglobin on 9 grams brings to mind the old surgical maxim "all bleeding stops" but I just had a case of a drop that big that includes three other confounding factors:
    1. He is a dialysis patient
    2. He didn't died 
    3. He didn't required a transfusion
He is a 58 year old patient with ADPKD, as part of this disease he had polycythemia and the day he was admitted with a chief complaint of dyspnea he had a hemoglobin of 19 g/dL. He had been advised that this was dangerous and he should go for phlebotomy. Sure enough he had a bilateral PE and multiple DVTs.

We started unfractionated heparin and ordered phlebotomy. So the next morning when we saw the decrease in the hemoglobin from 19 to 14 I was satisfied that he had a good response to phlebotomy. In reality, he never received the phlebotomy.

On that next hospital day he reported worsening flank pain. We ordered a CT to evaluate this and to help evaluate why his PD was failing. Turns out the pain and falling hemoglobin were due to a large bleeding renal cyst and renal hematoma. We stopped the heparin. The hemoglobin fell to 10 g/dL, a tidy 9 gram drop. We transferred him to the MICU. The initial plan was to embolise the bleeding kidney but the hemoglobin stabilized after stopping the heparin. After a few days of expectant testing and nervous observation we resumed the heparin and the hemoglobin held.
While we initially attributed the DVT solely to the erythrocytosis, he has a troubling family history (in addition to the ADPKD) that suggests thrombophilia.
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