I am a patient with IgA nephropathy, (current serum creatinine around 3.7, eGFR around 18ish). I also have an MD from the University of Washington in seattle.
I love your blog. I was wondering if you could recommend books or review-type journal articles on two topics of interest to me. With my MD background I can read fairly technical material, although sometimes get a bit lost in some journal articles. Wanting some overview material to bone up on a few topics.
I just haven't been able to find book titles that seem spot-on. I have a great nephrologist here in Seattle who is very busy at the moment and I can't seem to get his attention via email, etc. to provide these kinds of recommendations. I thought you might be able to help.
Any information would be very much appreciated.
- 1. IgA nephropathy - overview of pathological mechanism, current research areas, etc.
- 2. A good article/book on reading kidney biopsy results.
I didn't have anything to suggest. Anyone have any good sources to recommend?