I was blown away by the accuracy of the device and have been rediculously satisfied with this $30 gadget. Two events brought home how accurate the pedometer was: I ran a Cinco de Mayo 5k in Brooklyn with my sister a few years ago. The pedometer signaled 5k on the very footfall that crossed the line finishline. It was accurate to the step. Amazing:
I had a similar experience in the Detroit Marathon Relay in 2007. I ran a short segment from Downtown to Belle Isle. As soon as I crossed the timing blocks the iPod signaled I had reached my goal:
Last fall when I did the half marathon the accuracy fell a bit. It recorded 13.6 for a 13.1 mile route but I felt that 5% slosh was okay:
I had the same over estimate occur during the martian Marathon 10k. With the devic recording 6.5 miles for a 6.2 mile run. Again a 5% error:

Yesterday I did the Dexter-Ann Arbor half marathon and again the Nike+ iPod underestimated the distance and speed:
In the end it was only off by 0.6 miles over 13.1, so 5% but on my next run my Nike+ odometer will cross 1000 miles and its a little less satisfying thinking that I already crossed that milestone at some unrecognized time in the last month or so.

Update: Just discovered that the New York Times recently did a review of the Nike+iPod system.