Aronson et al. The ECLIPSE trials: comparative studies of clevidipine to nitroglycerin, sodium nitroprusside, and nicardipine for acute hypertension treatment in cardiac surgery patients. Anesth Analg (2008) vol. 107 (4) pp. 1110-21
Clevipidine is a short-acting, IV, calcium channel blocker licensed for blood pressure control. The ECLIPSE Trial is a randomized, multi-center, open-label, prospective trial of perioperative blood pressure control for cardiac surgery. clevidipine was compared to nitroglycerine, sodium-nitroprusside and nicardipine in three parallel trials. The primary outcome was safety with a secondary outcome of efficacy.
Efficacy was measured by a method I have never seen before. The key measure of efficacy was keeping the blood pressure in the normal range so the authors measured the area under the curve for time versus SBP outside of the target blood pressure:

Austin et al. Randomized, controlled trial of prednisone, cyclophosphamide, and cyclosporine in lupus membranous nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol (2009) vol. 20 (4) pp. 901-11
Prospective randomized controlled trial to compared cyclosporin for 11 months, to alternate-month cyclophosphamide for 11 months, to alternate-day prednisone alone.
Primary outcome was time to remission (less than 0.3 g of protein).