She was taking once daily furosemide and we changed it to torsemide, for better pharmacokinetics. She returned a month later and her blood pressure was fixed, systolics equally distributed between the 120s and 130s. So a win for Torsemide, or maybe not...
She was excited because she had been reworking her diet and was no longer drinking pop. She was eating more home-cooked meals and really focusing on eating more vegetables and fruits. She was also being more conscious of her sodium intake.
When I walked into the room I was focused on the medication change, because that was my intervention. But the more I spoke with her, the more I began to lean to the lifestyle interventions. She was adopting spontaneous DASH diet:
- More fruits and vegetables
- Decreased processed and restaurant food
- Decreased fructose intake
- Improved compliance
In the end, medicine is a giant, uncontrolled experiment and correlation does not equal causation. Just because you changed medicine doesn't mean that is was what fixed the blood pressure.