Monday, June 2, 2014

PBFluids turns 6 years old

Happy Blog Birthday PBFluids!

Despite a slow few weeks, I have been focusing on the Twitter Nephrology Journal Club, 2014 has been a solid year for PBFluids.

  • This is post number 681
  • I have 57 posts in draft, most likely never to see the light of day
  • Total page views will squeak over 800,000 by the end of June

The nephrology blogosphere has thinned out a bit in the last year with The Kidney Doctor and Mahesh’s Top Reads going silent. The Kidney Doctor story is a bit strange because it looks like he lost control of his sweet URL and had to go with the somewhat less glamorous URL.

Another casualty of the last year has been HemoDoc. Where did he go?

LVHN was a new blog run by a fellowship program. It started out with some promising posts but lately has deteriorated into a link blog, with little editorial content.

RedBeans was the other fellowship program blog that started last year and it has continued to produce nice educational content.

I can't think of any new nephrology blogs. A bit disappointing but the social media landscape for nephrology has gotten quite a bit richer despite the loss of blogs. DreamRCT and NephJC were successful new initiatives. NephMadness and Top Nephrology Stories of the Year have matured from early beginnings. And I am excited to announce that we have clawed our way into Kidney Week with the first social media symposium in Philadelphia next November!

Should be an exciting year.
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