Saturday, February 14, 2015

Must know facts about albumin! Number seven will blow you away!

Albumin is made in hepatocytes at a rate of 200 mg/kg/day - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Improving albumin levels among hemodialysis patients
  1. Albumin is made in hepatocytes at a rate of 200 mg/kg/day 
    1. or 14 g in 70 kg person
  2. Total body albumin is 4-5 g/kg
  3. 40-45% of albumin is in the intravascular space
  4. Normal albumin concentration in the interstitial space is 
    1. 0.7 in fat and 
    2. 1.3 in skeletal muscle
  5. Albumin has a half life of 2 to 3 weeks
  6. The drop in albumin with inflammation is due to: 
    1. reduced synthesis and 
    2. increased fractional catabolic rate (FCR)
  7. Intradialytic weight gain of 2.8 liters (4% in a 70 kg man) will dilute the albumin down 0.8 g/dL 

Improving albumin levels among hemodialysis patients (PubMed)
Measurement of interstitial albumin in human skeletal muscle and adipose tissue by open-flow micro perfusion (PubMed)
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