Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What am I going to do with all of these draft posts?

I have been blogging at PBFluids since 2008 and have 737 posts. What has been slowly growing is the number of unpublished drafts. Mostly this is clever ideas not fully realized like this evocative title:

There are others that if published would be career suicide like my completely overly honest reviews of the ASN Board review with letter grades for each of the speakers. The GPA was 3.7 but there were some clunkers in the mix:

The number of drafts is as of now 70 posts. I am going to try to salvage some of these posts and put them on the blog.

The first is a post titled "Epic ASN Post" This is from Kidney Week 2011. The post was written 12/1/11.

Landed in Philly and went to the AirBnB room I found. Seventy-five bucks a night and only a mile from the conference center. Awesome!

FourSquare, remember when that was a thing? 



Doing my best Rocky on the steps of the art museum

St John's Dinner

CJASN Techy at the role out of eJC

Docs gone Social

Burton Rose

Andrew Levey

Conall and Manu

Gearoid, Graham and Matt of the RFN at Blogger Night 

Kenar's Crew

Conall and Ajay Singh

Gearoid, Conall, Matt

Occupy Philadelphia


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