You're the man. Just as it was done to me, I direct any student on my rotation to "The Whole Enchilada." (warning 28 mb PDF)
I'm in my second year in private practice, and I get to teach students and residents through the osteopathic school in Philly (PCOM).
As a 4th year student, a renal attending put me onto your book. I had to special order it from alibris or one of those sites. My wife also used your microbiology book often when we were 2nd year students in medical school.
Anyways, I'm a big fan and supporter of all your varied output (books, blogs, lectures, etc). Early on, it made a big difference in how I synthesized a lot of daunting content, and it continues to affect how I communicate and teach others. But I'm not at the point where I can hand out sodium ninja badges...
John Fontanilla
A wonderful letter. And it came after he voted for his favorite PBFluids post (
Do we need to EVOLVE our views on EBM in dialysis) and collected a free copy of MedCalc. Come on guys