Thursday, October 21, 2010

No Dr. Topf, no EKG changes

On Monday night I was called by one of our fellows regarding a patient in the ED with a potassium of 8.5. They had already given insulin, glucose and kayexalate and the follow-up potassium was 8.1. This is not much improvemnt and less than you typically see. The patient was in acute renal failure with a creatinine of 3 and was anuric.

I asked if the patient had any EKG changes and according to the ER doc the patient had just a touch o'QRS widening. What do you think?

Peaked symmetric T's
Link for more on EKG changes in hyperkalemia

That night his CPK was 5,000. The next day it rose to 341,680.

Now dat's a spicy meatball!

- Initially posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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