Sunday, November 23, 2014

Social media session at ASN Kidney Week

At the 2014 Kidney Week the ASN hosted the first session on social media. The session was moderated by Mathew Sparks and Kenar Jhaveri.

The session had four speakers:

  1. Bryan S. Vartabedian, MD. led off the session with his talk, The Public Physician: The Emerging Role of the Physician in a Connected, Always-On World. 
  2. Margaret S. Chisolm, MD. followed with her talk on Social Media Challenges to Professionalism: Do the Rules Change or Do We Change Social Media?
  3. The next speaker was a rarity at Kidney Week, a patient. Sarah E. Kucharski gave a highly personal story: Patients Turning Likes and Retweets into Healing: Social Media and the Age of the Empowered ePatient.
  4. I anchored the session with a talk titled, Social Media: How to Get Started, which would have more properly titled, Twitter for Nephrons.
A recreation of my talk is below, and you can also download the Keynote slides here.

Dr. Chisolm's persentation is here:

Kidney Talk - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Matt did a great job of summarizing the Session for AJKDblog.

If you want to see the tweets during the two hour session and the hour afterwards, here is a transcript, (and part 2)with 534 tweets during the session and the one hour after. It is contaminated with other KidneyWk tweets so you have to filter through the list but there are some gems.

Here is a filtered and curated transcript:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Play Kidney Week Bingo

Record all of your misadventures at kidney week with Kidney Week Bingo.

Publicize your exploits as you go, by tweeting them with the hashtag #KidneyWkBingo

There will be a prize for the first person to get claim Bingo.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Kidney Week Approaches

Next week the nephrology world will gather in Philadelphia for the annual ASN Kidney Week. This will be the most social Kidney Week ever. If you are interested in social media and nephrology I'd like to call your attention to a handful of events:

Thursday November 13 ASN Special Session on Social Media. 10:30 in Room 201C. This is the first time social media has been covered a part of the core curriculum at ASN. It should be awesome. ASN has assembled an all-star team to present:
Thursday at 12:45 CJASN and the guys from eJC will be running a session on doing A Better Journal Club. I think I will be speaking for 5 or 10 minutes about my experience with NephJC. Room 104 of the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Thursday night at 8:30 pm, Blogger Night (after the ASN Presidents Reception). If you like the Neph Social Media Crew from Twitter, Renal Fellow Network, AJKDblog or NephJC, join us for drinks at Field House Philly. It is a sports bar. Look for me in the AJKD hat.

Saturday 10-12 Poster Session. SA-PO661 NephMadness Poster session. Sucks that I'll have to miss late breaking trials, what is usually the best session of the week, but oh well. I'll have to keep up via Twitter.

Saturday 12:30-1:20. NephJC Live. NephJC is doing a live ancillary session. We will take the awesome dynamic of the twice monthly twitter chats and see how well it translates to a live session. We have two young investigators presenting data.

The first is Deirdre Sawinski, MD, Assistant Professor from University of Pennsylvania who is going to speaking on her study of kidney transplants in HIV positive patients.

The second is Francis Wilson, MD who will be presenting data from a recently completed RCT on acute kidney injury. In addition to a platinum pated CV he is an experienced singing waiter so hopefully we will get an ad hoc performance.

NephJC Live will also be awarding the first Nephrology Social Media Awards. We will be giving awards for best tweeter, best new tweeter, best blog post about the conference and best curtain of the conference (best Storify related to ASN Kidney Week) I will have a post on the Social Media Awards later this week-end.

The thing about the NephJC Live is that if you want to come you need to register by Sunday, November 9 so we can buy you lunch. Registration closes on Sunday. Register now.
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